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Nam Bay Formation

Nam Bay Fm


Age Interval: 
Oligocene, N3, (14, 15)

Viet-Laos NW

Type Locality and Naming

Established for the continental beds exposed in the south of Muong Te (Lai Chau Province) and north of Muong Nhe (Dien Bien Province). The type section is located along the car road from Na Pheo to Si Pa Phin, lying parallel with the Nam Bay Stream (Tran Dang Tuyet et al. 1994) (N = 21°48’; E = 102°56’). See Additional Information.

Synonym: Hệ tầng Nậm Bay: Trần Đăng Tuyết et al. 1994; Trịnh Dánh (in Vũ Khúc et al. 2000).

Hệ Creta (part.): Dovjikov A.E. et al. 1965. Hệ tầng Mụ Giạ (part.): Vũ Khúc, Bùi Phú Mỹ et al. 1990.

Lithology and Thickness

The characteristic section has a thickness of 221 m: (1). Lowrer 26 m begins with a basal conglomerate with angular pebbles of black-grey sandstone containing much plant humus. Grading upward into friable weathered gritstone with granules of quartz, chalcedony and chert. (2). Red-brown thick-bedded claystone and siltstone; 195 m thick. The total thickness of the formation in this section is 221 m.

Lithology Pattern: 
Sandy claystone

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

Unconformably rests upon the Cretaceous Nam Ma Fm.

Upper contact


Regional extent

It occurs in small exposures south of Muong Te District




Oligocene spores and pollen of Pinuspollenites sp., Podocarpidites sp., Tsugapollenites sp., Piceapollenites sp., Gleichenicidites sp., Cyathecidites sp, Osmundacidites sp., Lygodiumsporites sp., Pterisisporites sp., ctc.



Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

Continental deposits

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Synonym: Hệ tầng Nậm Bay: Trần Đăng Tuyết et al. 1994; Trịnh Dánh (in Vũ Khúc et al. 2000).

Hệ Creta (part.): Dovjikov A.E. et al. 1965. Hệ tầng Mụ Giạ (part.): Vũ Khúc, Bùi Phú Mỹ et al. 1990.

Lithology and Thickness:

The characteristic section has a thickness of 221 m: (1). Lowrer 26 m begins with a basal conglomerate with angular pebbles of black-grey sandstone containing much plant humus. Grading upward into friable weathered gritstone with granules of quartz, chalcedony and chert. (2). Red-brown thick-bedded claystone and siltstone; 195 m thick. The total thickness of the formation in this section is 221 m.

Lithology-pattern: Sandy claystone

Relationships and Distribution:

Lower contact:

Unconformably rests upon the Cretaceous Nam Ma Fm.

Upper contact:


Regional extent:

It occurs in small exposures south of Muong Te District



Oligocene spores and pollen of Pinuspollenites sp., Podocarpidites sp., Tsugapollenites sp., Piceapollenites sp., Gleichenicidites sp., Cyathecidites sp, Osmundacidites sp., Lygodiumsporites sp., Pterisisporites sp., ctc.



Age span:

Beginning stage: Rupelian

Fraction up in beginning stage: 0.0

Beginning date (Ma):

Ending stage: Chattian

Fraction up in ending stage: 1.0

Ending date (Ma):

Depositional setting:

Continental deposits


Additional information

The Nam Bay Fm has not been approved by the geological mapping (status of 2011). While waiting for results of further studies the description of Tran Dang Tuyet has been kept in the present work.


Tran Van Tri and Vu Khuc (Editors; Geology and Earth Resources of Viet Nam, General Dept. of Geology and Minerals of Viet Nam; completed in Dec., 2011), with additional details from Tong-Dzuy Thanh and Vu Khuc (Editors; Stratigraphic Units of Viet Nam, 2nd edition; 2011; English edited by A. Boucot).